Latest Updates at Holy Trinity
10/12/24 - Men’s Ministry Octoberfest: Fr. Clay's House: 6pm-9pm
All men, join us at Fr. Clay’s house for some good German food, beer and fellowship. RSVP by emailing Fr. Clay at so that we’ll be sure to have plenty of all three!
Need help juggling faith & politics? Check this out!
The After Party helps us shift our priorities away from policies or parties to what really matters - how do we relate to others in a way that better reflects Jesus - even those we disagree with politically.
This is a free program that you can take online yourself. Or you can join Fr. Clay as he leads a Zoom small group on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 pm starting on Oct. 9th. Click below to email him.
10/04/2024 - youth group @ urban air 1pm-4pm
Meet us there for the “Ultimate Attractions” Package.
That includes:
Virtual Reality Sky Rider Ropes Course
Climbing Walls Warrior Course Battle Beam
Tubes - Indoor Playground & Basic Trampolines
Cost: $10 Location: Urban Air, 2840 South 70th Street
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