Join us for "the After Party" video series

“The After Party” is a 6 week video class that helps us deal with the tensions we all feel around politics. It’s not a class to tell you who to vote for or what party to join. It’s an exploration of what it means to follow the Jesus way in the politically charged world we live in. You can take it on ZOOM with a small group on Wednesday nights. Or you can register yourself and take it at your own pace. Just click on the option you prefer below:

How Do you want to take the after party?

To register for the Zoom class simply click on the image on the LEFT. Fr. Clay will send you an email and you are in. You do not need to register with "the After Party" website to join our ZOOM class.

If you want to take it on your own, you do need to go the "the After Party" website and log in. Just click on the image on the RIGHT. You do not need to identify yourself as a Holy Trinity participant or give them a Holy Trinity ID number. Simply register your own account and go from there.